Thursday, July 1, 2010

my hubby's leaving on a jet plane...

So, clayton just left for the airport with wayne, about 18 minutes ago...i wanted to take him, but, crying and driving are a little too dangerous for my taste.Three long months are now what I have to look forward too until I can see him again, Hopefully the job in Ohio works out and I can find a job on my end that can transfer to Ohio as well. It's weird, but, ever since we started dating six years ago, we have never been this far apart for so's an empty feeling, my poor air mattress will be hard to sleep on without him. I know it's all for a good cause, but, I sit here and wonder about all my life's choices, and wonder, how did it get to this? I know many people are in the same unemployment boat as we are, but, I still feel like a big loser that I can't hold down a simple ass job.Thank god for clayton being the constant one in our family's life. Ever since the day in college I told him I was pregnant with Hazel, he has stepped up and been an amazing Husband, Father to my children, and wonderful provider. I'm seriously so lucky to end up with such an amazing husband.Any weaker man would have left me, due to my being a flake at times, but, not clayton. And yes, I have realized the hard way what a flake I can be. It is one of my biggest flaws that I'm hoping to be rid of soon.....


  1. I'm sure it will be hard. Keep yourself busy. If you need anything, ice cream or alcohol, let me know. =)

  2. lmao thanks! I might take you up on all those offers!!;)
