Friday, July 23, 2010

Have Children Made Me Soft?

I had a good friend of mine a couple of nights ago tell me that children have made me "soft". She wasn't saying it was a bad thing mind you, I just seemed more relaxed and laid back then I used to be. I Still have the spark and crazyness that I once had, It's just more reserved now. I started thinking about the last five years and trying to pinpoint the exact moment my crazyass finally calmed down. The one conclusion I came to was such an obvious choice, I can't believe I didn 't think of it sooner ! The day I calmed down, was the day I met Clayton.

I remember the day we met (technically) was at a toga party at one of the actor's houses in college. The only interaction we had that night was when he took a picture of us, in all our hot toga glory! He says the first time we REALLY met was at another house party months before that one. He says we talked a bit, but not much happened after that. My memories terrible, But I don't remember that night, so I say that the toga party was when we finally met.:) After the toga party the next interaction we had was when we did the show "light up the sky" together when we did summer theatre.I was on wardrobe crew in charge of the guys and because of that we talked once and awhile, but, when the show moved to solvang is when we really started talking more on a daily basis. We talked about movies, music, art, books, you name it, we talked about it.Then one day everything changed for me. We were waiting for the actors to show and so I had some downtime until they got there. Well, I was primping my hair, fixing makeup and making sure I looked super cute, you know the usual girl stuff. But, I usually don't give a rats ass about what I look like....holy crap...I had a crush on Clayton!! (dun dun duuunnnn)
That was the day that changed everything! And the rest as they say is history.

So yes, Life has made me softer, and I'm not nearly as crazy as I once was...and I wouldn't have it any other way.:)

1 comment:

  1. I love it! I think it's so funny how people can effect you. Jason and I met, and a few months later I found out I had high blood pressure. LOL I tell him he really gets my heart pumping.
    I'm glad that you have someone so wonderful. =)
